What is the difference between a medical report, a medical summary and an Extenuating Circumstances note?


A medical report is proof of an injury/illness sustained. This can be used for third parties (e.g. applying for a new job, insurance claims) and costs £70 to obtain, as it is considered a non-NHS service.
A medical summary is a summary of your medical history. You can get this printed out for free at the Student Health Service reception.
An Extenuating Circumstances note is a sick note/medical certificate that you use to evidence your application for extenuating circumstances in your School (if not possible to use self-certification). The note may cost you £30. This is a guide for Queen Mary students on undergraduate or postgraduate taught programmes on how to apply for ‘Extenuating Circumstances’. Postgraduate research students who are interested in applying for more time to complete elements of their studies are advised to contact: researchdegrees@qmul.ac.uk

  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2025
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  • Answered By Student Life

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