What is the difference between Articles and more and Books, e-books and DVDs?
Library Search utilises data from the Queen Mary's catalogue and from a third party service called EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS).
There are two search tabs, 'Books, e-books and DVDs' and 'Articles and more'.
Articles and more searches across:
- Our e-journal collections and some online resources.
- Citations from some external databases, if you untick the Full Text box in Advanced Search (please note that full text might not always be available)
Books, e-books and DVDs is the default and searches across:
- Print collections
- E-book collections
- DVDs/Blu-rays/Videos
- Other physical items held in the libraries
- Queen Mary Research Online
If you’re looking for a book or DVD that you will be able to borrow from one of the libraries, or an e-book, then the Books, e-books and DVDs tab is recommended.
To search for any other resources including journal articles, online newspaper articles and other e-resources you should use the Articles and more tab.